Why Should Realtors Include Facebook in Their Marketing Strategy?

Social media has millions of users worldwide, and more and more businesses are eager to leverage this technology to promote their products and services. If you’re not already on social media promoting your business, now’s the time.

Social media has millions of users worldwide, and more and more businesses are eager to leverage this technology to promote their products and services. But for someone who’s never had to use social media for business before, it can be very overwhelming to know where to start. Plus, more traditional marketing and PR efforts like radio and tv spots, billboard displays, and newspaper/magazine ads are still prevalent and popular in the real estate industry, so why fix something that isn’t broken?

Let’s be clear; we’re not here to put down traditional marketing. If you’re seeing the ROI in your existing marketing efforts, that’s great; you don’t have to change it.

Instead of taking away from what you already have in place, we’re here to present an additional piece to the marketing mix. If you’re not already on social media promoting your business, now’s the time. If we think about today’s consumer behavior for a sec, there’s a large group cutting off cable, subscribing to online radio, and using the weekends to browse the internet for homes instead of taking Sunday drives to tour homes. How do you reach these people? Yes that’s right, social media, and the best platform to start on is surprisingly Facebook.

Why Should You Use Facebook in Your Marketing Strategy?

1. It’s Where Your Buyers Are Most Active. Facebook continues to be the market leader of all social networking sites. Of all adults in the U.S. using social media, 68% are using Facebook compared to Instagram (35%), Pinterest (29%), and LinkedIn (25%). Twitter and Snapchat have even lower numbers. Adults on social media are also spending more time on Facebook than on any other platform, with 51% of adults checking in on Facebook several times a day.

Why does this matter?

Because 2018 studies show that Facebook is the leading platform across generations. Homebuyers fit into all of these generations, from millennials to the silent generation. And if the majority of homebuyers are using Facebook as their social media platform, then there’s no reason why your brand shouldn’t have a Facebook presence.

2. It Benefits Your Business.
Most realtors who aren’t already tweeting, pinning, and posting their hearts out don’t realize that social media can do wonders for their brand from raising awareness to retaining past clients.

Social media:

  • Helps send traffic back to your website
  • Humanizes your business through engagement and conversation
  • Let’s you see what your competition is doing
  • Connects you with consumers and clients alike
  • Is an asset to every part of the sales funnel
  • Reports your progress — that’s the ROI your boss needs
  • Offers advertising to increase your reach and conversions

Create a Facebook Strategy For Your Business

Facebook is a great platform to start promoting your business on social media. The interface is clean, advertising is easy navigate, reporting is robust, and tutorials and guides are bountiful to get you started and set up for success. The only problem is that information on Facebook is almost too overwhelming, and regardless of what you read, you run the risk of it not being practical or applicable to your business.

If you’re ready to create your first Facebook strategy and start promoting your real estate business on the channel, then download The Realtor’s Guide to Facebook Marketing. We wrote this guide and it’s the perfect introduction to Facebook marketing. Equipped with step-by-step instruction for setting up a strategy and how to avoid running it into the ground, this guide is a must-read for realtors and real estate professionals.

Picture of Lynn Yeldell

Lynn Yeldell

Lynn Yeldell is the Owner of Seventh Scout. She is commonly referred to as our quarterback due to her love for advocating for others and leading teams.

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